2023 Dawley & Shipler Awards Presented

On May 17, the Chatham Community Players presented The Major Herbert Dawley Award to Cookie Jensen and Tim Jensen for their over 30 years of outstanding service.
Tim and Joan "Cookie" Jensen have been part of Players since at least the 1980s. Cookie is a ventriloquist, who has entertained us with her characters. She appeared as the Laundress in "A Christmas Carol" in 1991, working alongside many of her middle school French students past and present who were in the cast and crew that year, including her son Jared, who was in the show. They have been faithful Front of House members for more than three decades, always the first to call and volunteer, always warm and welcoming to our patrons.
Also, The Dr. Guy Emery Shipler Award was given for outstanding service in the past year to Eileen Cadorette.
Eileen worked as Assistant Stage Manager on "Calendar Girls" a year ago, and jumped in with both feet as Assistant Stage Manager on "A Christmas Carol". She then worked on "The Flick" as Assistant Stage Manager and Co-Produced "Lifespan of a Fact" and worked backstage.